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McDonald’s #downunderbigmac campaign reaches just 15 social media users: Is the hashtag dead?

A McDonald’s Australia social media campaign has failed to gain any traction, after the fast food giant suggested Australians eat their burgers upside down.

The campaign encouraged Aussies to flip their Big Macs over and eat them from the bottom up, claiming the burger has so many local ingredients the only way to make it more Australian would be to “flip it down under”.

The campaign ran across the week of Australia Day and is still ongoing at the time of publication. Diners were encouraged to use the hashtag #downunderbigmac, which, as Mumbrella has highlighted had been very sparsely used.

In a column published yesterday, Mumbrella noted the hashtag had been used four times on Twitter, twice on Instagram, and not at all on Facebook.

One day later, the hashtag has appeared an additional five times on Twitter, two more times on Instagram, and twice on Facebook, both times sharing Mumbrella’s post.

Read all the details here. Source: Dominic Powell

Rest assured your business' hashtags are in good hands with Honeyweb Online Marketing. Contact us here so we can maximise your opportunities through specific, individualised marketing strategies.

McDonald’s #downunderbigmac campaign reaches just 15 social media users: Is the hashtag dead?

Read the full article

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"Steven and the team at ‘Honeyweb' have provided Defence Coating Systems with a good service. Through great enthusiasm for their work, they created a quality professional website at an affordable price. Honeyweb made the process easier than I anticipated, I was impressed with how quickly Honeyweb created our new site. Not only did they capture the theme of the business but they also added the perfect modern touch to enhance the web site. Honeyweb has been a joy to work with and have always been willing to give extra help at any times. Defence Coating Systems would like to thank the team at Honeyweb for their efforts with the Website."

Andrew, Lou & Bronny
Defence Coating Systems

Steven Hamilton - Honeyweb

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