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Our blog has been set up to provide you with helpful information regarding maximising the effectiveness of your online marketing strategy.

There are many interesting independent articles and whitepapers here to download and links to some of the best resources on the net.

Instagram Now Lets You Add Up to 10 Photos and Videos in a Single Post

Storytelling is the trend of the moment in social media circles

All the major platforms are working to provide more ways for users to add more context to their posts, and more creative, narrative-driven features.

Snapchat started the trend with Stories, which enables users to share multiple images and short clips from their day, a feature which Instagram has since copied (and Facebook is now rolling out in their main app also). 

Adding to this, Instagram is has introduced another storytelling format, giving users the opportunity to share up to ten photos and videos in a single post, which viewers can swipe through.

It’s an interesting feature to consider, adding to the storytelling options available. 

Read about the addition in detail here. Source; Andrew Hutchinson

Learn how Honeyweb Online Marketing can use social media to boost your business' conversion here. Contact us here to disucss ideas.

Instagram Now Lets You Add Up to 10 Photos and Videos in a Single Post

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From Selfies to Luxury Fashion Company

Davidson Petite-Frère and Aleks Musika first built massive followings on Instagram, then learned how to make money from their popularity

How did two entrepreneurs go from taking selfies to starting a luxury fashion company?

Entrepreneur Network partner Gerard Adams visits men's fashion designers Davidson Petite-Frère and Aleks Musika at their social event in the Hamptons and asks how they turned a passion into celebrity endorsements, Russian catwalks and a consistent paycheck.

The fashion partners also explain how social media (Instagram in particular) helped shape their career paths, and how they optimized their social media game to attract a larger audience.

Click here to watch the video. Source: Entrepreneur 

Need help promoting your business' Instagram? Don't wait, generate leads and sales now! Learn how here or contact us here.

From Selfies to Luxury Fashion Company

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How to Better Spend Your Social Media Marketing Budget

Social media is now a major part of most marketing budgets, and over the next five years social marketing spend is projected to increase by 90%

However, 86% of marketers still want to learn how to more accurately measure social ROI.

No matter your budget, a careful examination of your social media marketing budget is imperative.

Create a strategy, consider your budget, and then find how to manage your social media in a way that’s right for your company.

See the detailed social media budgeting infographic here. Source: Social Media Today

Discover how we can help your business boom with our affordable social media services here. Get in contact with one of our experts today by clicking here

How to Better Spend Your Social Media Marketing Budget

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What Is the Difference Between White Hat and Black Hat SEO?

When outlining inbound marketing strategies, marketers have to make a desicion: choosing between white hat or black hat link building strategies to elevate their content marketing efforts

So what's the difference between each?

In its simplest form, white hat tactics emphasize a strategy that follows Google’s rules – particularly in terms of quality content.

Black hat tactics take a complete 180 turn, opting for a more aggressive approach that isn’t afraid to bend the rules.

However, each strategy has its advantages and disadvantages.

For a better understanding, Andrea Lehr from Search Engine Journal takes a closer look at each tactic to help you determine whether you’ll want to use a white hat or black hat approach when navigating the wild, wild web.

Access the full article here. Source: Andrea Lehr

Need help with your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) tactics to boost your online traffic? Click here to learn more or here to discuss ideas with us today.

What Is the Difference Between White Hat and Black Hat SEO?

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How to Make Your Instagram Account Impressive

Did you know that Instagram has more than 500 million monthly active users?

So how do you go about getting more followers for your business?

For starters, it's important to post more and make sure you understand the network's algorithm.

To lead you to a steady follower growth and increased engagement, Nathan Chan from Entrepreneur has listed three of his best Instagram management tips, consisting of:

  1. Post on Instagram one to three times per day
  2. Understand the Instagram algorithm
  3. Think carefully about your captions

Access the detailed article here. Source: Nathan Chan

Click here to learn more about how we can manage your business' Instagram account and boost your total followers. Contact us here.

How to Make Your Instagram Account Impressive

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How to Gain a Massive Following on Instagram: 10 Proven Tactics To Grow Followers and Engagement

It’s an exciting time to get to know Instagram

The popular photo-sharing app is fun, simple and growing - Instagram has more than 300 million daily users and sky-high user engagement levels.

And for marketers, it’s an especially interesting time.

The company just announced that it will open up a set of business tools including new business profiles, analytics and the ability to create ads from posts directly within the app.

Thanks to Courtney Seiter from Bufferapp, we have a list of the best 10 tactics to help you grow a bigger, relevant audience for your business on Instagram, which includes the following:

  1. Post consistently (at least once a day)
  2. Study and load up on quality hashtags
  3. Share user generated content

Read the complete list here. Source: Courtney Seiter

Here at Honeyweb Online Marketing, we are confident in creating genuine customer relationships for your business via social media. Click here to learn how, or here to get in contact with one of our social media experts. 

How to Gain a Massive Following on Instagram: 10 Proven Tactics To Grow Followers and Engagement

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The Ideal Image Sizes for Your Social Media Posts: Guidelines for All 6 Major Social Networks

How exactly should your image look so it fits in the News Feed, timeline, or stream?

You’ve got all the great tools to create engaging images for social media. You know what the brain loves about visuals and how to build something beautiful to drive engagement. You’re all set to make something great!

There’s so much to consider in creating great images for social media.

The size and shape, the height, width, and orientation - these are the elements that most influence how an image will appear in a social media stream.

Luckily, Kevan Lee from Bufferapp has the answers on how to create ideal images that show up consistently great in your audience’s timelines.

The differing online platforms any marketer should consider include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Google+
  • Pinterest 
  • Instagram

Access the answers to perfecting your social media images here. Source: Kevan Lee

Discover how Honeyweb Online Marketing can successfully manage your business' social media posts here. Don't want to wait? Click here to start a discussion with us now. 

The Ideal Image Sizes for Your Social Media Posts: Guidelines for All 6 Major Social Networks

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Call Steven Hamilton on 0417 871 661, complete the form below to book your FREE strategy session or just send through your enquiry and let's make 2025 your biggest year yet.


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