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Honeyweb Blog / Digital Marketing

Our blog has been set up to provide you with helpful information regarding maximising the effectiveness of your online marketing strategy.

There are many interesting independent articles and whitepapers here to download and links to some of the best resources on the net.

4 Digital Marketing Tips for the Holidays

During the holiday season, there are opportunities galore for digital marketing. This is the time when people set out to buy gifts for friends and family, and while they’re doing that, they might also decide to buy something for themselves. Who can resist the displays, the discounts and the urge to indulge in some retail therapy while everyone else is doing the same?

Holiday shopping increased by 12.1% between 2014 and 2015 and there’s no reason to believe there won’t be an increase again this year.

By Brad Friedman

4 Digital Marketing Tips for the Holidays

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3 Often Overlooked Digital Marketing Truths

The digital marketing landscape moves quickly, so fast that it’s hard for anyone to keep up. Trust me, I write about the latest social media and digital marketing news every day, and even then, there are still plenty of surprises.

And amidst all this noise there are some elements that require regular reiteration or clarification from time to time.

By Andrew Hutchinson

3 Often Overlooked Digital Marketing Truths

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What’s In Store For Digital In The Next 12 Months?

Henry Ford once said, “If I asked the people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse”, and in this opinion piece, Customer Experience Director at TBWA\Melbourne Billy Loizou explores the trends in digital, and takes a stab at predicting what will be the next big thing for the industry.

Henry Ford in the late 1800’s was a pioneer in the automobile industry. Consider this: By the end of 2017 driverless cars will no longer just be an idea, they could very likely become reality. How does that change our lives and how much more potential time does that unlock between our day-to-day activities.

By Billy Loizou

What’s In Store For Digital In The Next 12 Months?

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Breathtakingly Naive: How Aussie Retailers Still Struggle With Digital

In this guest post,’s Tess Bennett says, despite all the pouting, most Aussie retailers still struggle with the digital aspects of their businesses…

Industry-wide retailers have a “breath taking naiveté” when it comes to the role of digital in omnichannel, argues a new report from Retail Systems Research (RSR).

By Tess Bennett
B&T Magazine

Breathtakingly Naive: How Aussie Retailers Still Struggle With Digital

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Top 8 Digital Marketing Myths [Infographic]

There are many myths around social media and digital marketing and it's effectiveness. 

Digital marketing can solve all of your business needs, social media marketing is easier than traditional methods, digital marketing is free of cost. And as with most myths, while there's some small kernel of truth from which each of these rumors have expanded, the reality is that the marketing challenges remain much the same - you have to know your customers, you have to understand your audience perspective, and you need to deliver based on those data points.

By  Irfan Ahmad

Top 8 Digital Marketing Myths [Infographic]

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Study: 75% Of Businesses Say Digital Transformation Is Their Top Priority

Most senior executives are confident about the success of the digital transformation efforts despite more than 60 per cent saying they still need to make significant organisational changes to reach their goals.

The figures are contained in a  study, by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) on behalf of Pegasystems. Furthermore three quarters of respondents said digital transformation is their company’s top strategic priority in 2016, and poor financial performance looms as the top consequence for not meeting this goal.

[B&T Magazine]

Study: 75% Of Businesses Say Digital Transformation Is Their Top Priority

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Digital Advertising Now Helping Itself To A Third Of The Budget

Digital advertising continues its takeover with a new report from media network GroupM saying it eclipses a third of the media budget. It’s up to 31 per cent of measured ad investment from 28 per cent in 2015. And is set to surpass $US160 billion this year.

And programmatic trading of the ads constitute of third of that segment. The report, Interaction 2016, looks at the continual influx of digital advertising, the issues surrounding it, user behaviour and technology.

Digital Advertising Now Helping Itself To A Third Of The Budget

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"From the first interaction Steve and the Honeyweb guys were efficient and professional. Steve understood what we wanted by way of email marketing and website redesign, and within a week we had it"

Brent Marks
Aventus Legal

Steven Hamilton - Honeyweb

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