Honeyweb Blog / Technology
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6 Essential Tips for Legally Using Images
Images are the new words - we’re all looking for that perfect image, illustration or photograph to use on our website, in our presentation or in another work document
However, before copying and pasting that image we need to give consideration and possibly undertake research as to whether we have the rights to do so, the copyright permission, or possibly whether we even need to obtain copyright permission.
Here are some starter tips to help you legally use images which will help you select images, research their copyright status, and obtain copyright permissions as necessary.
Using images legally will keep you compliant with copyright law.
Learn the essential tips for legally using images here. Source: Copyrightlaws.com
Need help sourcing images for your website or blog? Contact us here to discuss your enquiries.
Facebook Posts 53% Jump In Ad Revenue
Facebook continues to drive home revenue thanks to mobile advertising, with the social media giant recording significant growth during the final quarter of 2016
According to Facebook’s fourth-quarter results, advertising revenue was up a whopping 53 per cent to US$8.63 billion, with mobile advertising accounting for 84 per cent of all ad revenue – up 5 per cent on the previous corresponding period in 2015.
The massive boost in ad revenue drove Facebook’s total revenue for the last quarter of 2016 up 51 per cent to US$8.81 billion.
The results come after a new report found that social platforms such as Facebook generate most of their ad revenue from native advertising, and will continue to dominate overall native ad spending through 2021 – particularly native video ads.
These statistics are a strong indication of how powerful Facebook is in regards to advertising and managing your business' branding.
Read the full article here. Source: Huntley Mitchell
Need assistance promoting your business through Facebook? Click here to see how we can help, or click here to start a conversation with us.
How to Gain a Massive Following on Instagram: 10 Proven Tactics To Grow Followers and Engagement
It’s an exciting time to get to know Instagram
The popular photo-sharing app is fun, simple and growing - Instagram has more than 300 million daily users and sky-high user engagement levels.
And for marketers, it’s an especially interesting time.
The company just announced that it will open up a set of business tools including new business profiles, analytics and the ability to create ads from posts directly within the app.
Thanks to Courtney Seiter from Bufferapp, we have a list of the best 10 tactics to help you grow a bigger, relevant audience for your business on Instagram, which includes the following:
- Post consistently (at least once a day)
- Study and load up on quality hashtags
- Share user generated content
Read the complete list here. Source: Courtney Seiter
Here at Honeyweb Online Marketing, we are confident in creating genuine customer relationships for your business via social media. Click here to learn how, or here to get in contact with one of our social media experts.
Climbing the Google Ranks: Three Key SEO Tips
There’s no doubt about it: if e-commerce is the industry you are in, then ranking highly on Google is a must
When was the last time you performed a Google search and clicked on the second page of the search results?
In fact, when it comes to online shopping, many people don’t even scroll right down to the bottom of the first page of the search results, which means that in order to remain competitive, you need to be as high up on the search engine rankings as you possibly can get – or at least, rank higher than your competitors.
This being said, it’s one thing to know what you need to do, and quite another to figure out how to do it.
When it comes to improving your site’s ranking on Google, there are three letters you need to know: SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
Access the full article to learn some valuable new tips to improve your website's SEO here. Source: Michelle Chau
Learn more about how we can manage your site's SEO results through targeted advertising here. Contact us today by clicking here.
How to Use Social Media Emoji to Humanise Your Business
Do you want to humanise your business on social media? Have you thought about using social media emoji?
Emojis are a fun and creative way to connect with your customers on a more personal level and show your brand’s personality.
Aleh Barysevich has provided business owners with a range of options to help add an element of humanisation to their companies.
The article includes detailed hints regarding the use of emojis on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram platforms.
Click here to read the full article. Source: Aleh Barysevich
Is your business confident in using emojis for social media? Click here to start a conversation with us today and we can get you on the right track.
Australian YouTube Ads Leaderboard: Year-End 2016
YouTube Australia has released its Leaderboard for the Year-End 2016 advertisements
But what exactly are YouTube ads and how do they work?
Video ads turns viewers into fans, and fans into new customers.
These ads are determined by an algorithm that factors in organic and paid views, watch time and audience retention.
YouTube has a range of targeting options to help people reach the right customer for their business. This is often determined by age, gender, location, interests and more.
Users have complete control over their budgeting, so they can spend what they're comfortable with.
The top three YouTube ads on Australia's End-Year 2016 Leaderboard are as follows:
- Virgin Mobile's 'Angry Santa'
- We Love our Lamb's 'Australia Day Lamb 2016, Commence Operation Boomerang'
- Samsung Australia's 'It's Time. Upgrade Now'
Watch the sucessful advertisements by clicking here.
Have you considered using YouTube to expand your business' network and increase customers? Click here to learn how we at Honeyweb Marketing can achieve this for you. Start a conversation with us today by clicking here.
9 Marketing Tips to Increase Your Instagram Followers
If you ask any social media marketer what their number one Instagram question or concern is, the majority will say it’s how to get more followers.
It’s a simple fact that the bigger audience you have, the more people and potential customers you are able to reach.
Rather than an empty number, think of your follower count as the size of your community.
It’s always nice to know that your message is being well-received and resonating with your audience, and a follower count is one way of measuring this.
To help you build your community through your own Instagram strategy, Dara Fontein from Hootsuite has put together a helpful guide. Some of her tips comprise of the following:
- Use hashtags
- Host a takeover
- Hold contests
Click here to access the fully detailed guide.
Learn more about Honeyweb’s effective social media business strategies here. Start a conversation with us today, click here.
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If you need help with your online marketing, we are offering a completely FREE online marketing strategy session!
Call Steven Hamilton on 0417 871 661, complete the form below to book your FREE strategy session or just send through your enquiry and let's make 2025 your biggest year yet.
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