Honeyweb Blog / Social Media
Our blog has been set up to provide you with helpful information regarding maximising the effectiveness of your online marketing strategy.
There are many interesting independent articles and whitepapers here to download and links to some of the best resources on the net.
Best LinkedIn Company Pages in 2014
We’re excited to announce the 10 Best Company Pages of 2014! Through their valuable content, eye-catching visuals, and other impressive tactics, these 10 businesses and organizations are paving the way for what it takes to be a best-in-class Company Page.
Check out the 10 Best Company Pages of 2014 for actionable takeaways from each page that can help take your Company Page to new heights in 2015!
5 platform tips from a Pinterest insider
Pinterest can be a powerful brand-building tool, but only if it's used effectively. Check out these tactics that have proven to be successful.
Kelly wanted to get healthy. She had hypertension and pre-diabetes. A mother of two, her second delivery was a challenge because of her high blood pressure. Between working full-time and being a mom, exercising wasn't high on the agenda.
The hottest piece of social content you need to post
In case you haven't noticed, there's a popular form of social media content that is an easy path to virality. Read on to discover what you should incorporate into your strategy.
We've all seen it: DIY is an extremely hot tactic right now for engaging fans. Most of us have witnessed the majority of DIY with makeup, fashion, beauty, and home improvement brands. If you go on Pinterest you're sure to run into thousands of boards promoting several of these DIY projects. What is probably less thought about is how mainstream CPG brands can get in on this action. If you're promoting a soft drink or apple sauce, a DIY social media strategy may not seem to fit. You can however make it work.
How to Create Social Videos With Your Smartphone
Are you using video to promote your brand? Do you want to create videos without having costly equipment?
If you have a smartphone, you already have all of the tools you need to create fun and engaging social videos.
In this article you’ll find out how to shoot and edit videos to share on social media with your smartphone.
How To Sell Your New Product With Video And Social Media
Everyone who launches a new product, from Procter & Gamble to a couple of college grads who thought it up at a bar, are convinced they’ll be rich. If they didn’t think it would sell, they wouldn’t try. Look at some of the morons on Shark Tank. They all believed and in all fairness, some are good ideas and prove successful.
As you develop your new idea, go through this checklist and take a realistic look at what you’re doing.
6 Ways to Attract More LinkedIn Leads
Does LinkedIn bring you a steady stream of prospects? Is your LinkedIn presence optimized?
Adjusting how you use LinkedIn changes the way prospects respond to you.
In this article you’ll discover six tactics to attract LinkedIn leads and show them how you can contribute to their success.
Facebook Call-to-Action Buttons: This Week in Social Media
Welcome to our weekly edition of what’s hot in social media news. To help you stay up to date with social media, here are some of the news items that caught our attention.
What’s New This Week? > Facebook Brings New Call-to-Action Buttons to Pages: “Designed to bring a business’s most important objective to the forefront of its Facebook presence, call-to-action buttons link to any destination on or off Facebook that aligns with a business’s goals.”
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If you need help with your online marketing, we are offering a completely FREE online marketing strategy session!
Call Steven Hamilton on 0417 871 661, complete the form below to book your FREE strategy session or just send through your enquiry and let's make 2025 your biggest year yet.
"We would like to thank the team at Honeyweb for our fantatsic new ecommerce website. Steven’s understanding of what makes a ecommerce site work was key in our decision to go with Honeyweb and we werent dissapointed. The design and functionality is great and the fact Honeyweb are a completed online marketing agency means we also went with a Facebook page and SEO to ensure our customers find us on Google."
Grant Walter
Kewco Bathroom Products