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Honeyweb Blog / Email Marketing

Our blog has been set up to provide you with helpful information regarding maximising the effectiveness of your online marketing strategy.

There are many interesting independent articles and whitepapers here to download and links to some of the best resources on the net.

Why visuals are so important in content marketing and five ways to do them well

Human beings are wired for visual content. Learn how you can meet the challenge of creating eye-catching images and videos.

For millennia we’ve used visual cues to understand the world around us and relied on imagery to communicate complicated ideas quickly and clearly. As a result, our brains typically process visual information 60,000 times faster than text.

So, if your audience is human, your content marketing needs to be visual. Studies have shown thatpeople will retain 65% of information if it includes a relevant image – compared to only 10% without – and introducing an image into a piece of content increases understanding from 70% to 95%.

Why visuals are so important in content marketing and five ways to do them well

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6 Ways To Send Emails Your Customers Will Love

Research shows there are over 205,000,000,000 emails sent each day. 205 BILLION.

The average professional sends and receives 122 emails per day and spends 3.2 hours of their working day in their inbox. That’s a lot of competition.

To give yourself the best chance of cutting through with your email marketing, you need to send emails your customers love.

By Chris Hexton

6 Ways To Send Emails Your Customers Will Love

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Content Shock Is Coming! Time To Prepare Your Brand Now!

In this guest post, Felix Krueger, co-founder and director of Which-50 Media, says “content shock” is coming! Basically, there’ll be too much content marketing for humans to consume. Here’s his tips to ready yourself for when content Armageddon arrives…

Five years ago content marketing was in its infancy in Australia with little to no knowledge about the philosophy behind this new approach to marketing communication. 

By B&T Magazine

Content Shock Is Coming! Time To Prepare Your Brand Now!

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Breathtakingly Naive: How Aussie Retailers Still Struggle With Digital

In this guest post,’s Tess Bennett says, despite all the pouting, most Aussie retailers still struggle with the digital aspects of their businesses…

Industry-wide retailers have a “breath taking naiveté” when it comes to the role of digital in omnichannel, argues a new report from Retail Systems Research (RSR).

By Tess Bennett
B&T Magazine

Breathtakingly Naive: How Aussie Retailers Still Struggle With Digital

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5 Rules for Writing Sales Emails

It’s easy to think of ways not to write a sales email. You know you shouldn’t brag endlessly about your business, never considering why your prospect should care. You know you shouldn’t straight up ask someone to buy from you before you’ve even talked.

But how do you write a good sales email, one that isn’t too aggressive—but still achieves your goal of, you know, actually selling something? Keep these five rules in mind.

By Amy Saunders

5 Rules for Writing Sales Emails

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Big Opportunity For Marketers As Aussies Get Massively Engaged In Olympics

In just one week’s time the curtains will raise on the Rio Olympics and for marketers, the opportunities to communicate with an engaged audience will increase across all platforms. According to research from Rocket Fuel, 92 per cent of Australians are planning to engage with Olympic-related content online during the Games.

Australian’s consider the Olympics to be the ‘most prestigious sporting event in the world’ and our viewing of the XXXI Olympiad is set to reflect this with nearly half  of Aussies planning to look at more content online during the Games than they would usually.

[B&T Magazine]

Big Opportunity For Marketers As Aussies Get Massively Engaged In Olympics

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Craft Killer Headlines Every Time With These 9 Tips

Headlines are everywhere: from advertisements to newspapers to your social media streams.

They are the snippets of information that inform whether or not you read the article or pursue further information about a product. Shockingly, these (roughly) eight-word sentences are of equal importance as your actual content. As David Ogilvy, an advertising legend, is famously known for saying:

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”


Craft Killer Headlines Every Time With These 9 Tips

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If you need help with your online marketing, we are offering a completely FREE online marketing strategy session!

Call Steven Hamilton on 0417 871 661, complete the form below to book your FREE strategy session or just send through your enquiry and let's make 2025 your biggest year yet.


"Steven and the team at ‘Honeyweb' have provided Defence Coating Systems with a good service. Through great enthusiasm for their work, they created a quality professional website at an affordable price. Honeyweb made the process easier than I anticipated, I was impressed with how quickly Honeyweb created our new site. Not only did they capture the theme of the business but they also added the perfect modern touch to enhance the web site. Honeyweb has been a joy to work with and have always been willing to give extra help at any times. Defence Coating Systems would like to thank the team at Honeyweb for their efforts with the Website."

Andrew, Lou & Bronny
Defence Coating Systems

Steven Hamilton - Honeyweb

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Remember, online marketing is targeted, accountable and affordable.