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Our blog has been set up to provide you with helpful information regarding maximising the effectiveness of your online marketing strategy.

There are many interesting independent articles and whitepapers here to download and links to some of the best resources on the net.

How to Create Landing Pages That Address the Emotional Needs of Prospects

You've got all the essential elements of a high-converting landing page in place, but are you paying attention to other forces that motivate prospects to convert?

Here's a framework that will help you confirm that you've addressed *all* your prospects' needs

How to Create Landing Pages That Address the Emotional Needs of Prospects

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Australian Retail Ecommerce Sales to Top $10 Billion in 2015

Retail ecommerce sales will account for 4.5% of retail sales in the country this year.

This year, retail ecommerce sales in Australia will rise 14.4% to pass $10 billion, or 4.5% of total retail sales in the country, eMarketer estimates. Low double-digit gains will continue through 2017, and by 2018, ecommerce sales will total $14.52 billion and represent 5.6% of retail sales in Australia. 

Australian Retail Ecommerce Sales to Top $10 Billion in 2015

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9 Google Analytics Tips to Improve Your Marketing

Do you use Google Analytics? Are you leveraging the many apps that work with Google Analytics?

Integrating data from third-party tools, plugins and platforms with Google Analytics helps you gain insight about your online marketing efforts.

In this article I’ll share nine tips to help you get more out of Google Analytics.

9 Google Analytics Tips to Improve Your Marketing

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15 Step SEO Checklist for 2015

Entering into the New Year of 2015, Google’s algorithm is changing at a rapid pace. It was recently announced by the search engine behemoth that its “Penguin” algorithm is going to be rolling-out on a consistent basis. This doesn’t even include the Panda or Hummingbird algorithm updates.

Website owners and online marketers who want to appear high on Google need to be aware of the trends of search engine optimization entering the New Year. If you are proactive and follow the proper guidelines set by Google, you can reap the benefits of increased organic traffic and a stellar Google presence.

15 Step SEO Checklist for 2015

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How Much Copy to Write on Your Home Page?

If you’ve looked at enough SaaS websites, you’ve probably noticed a bit of a theme: home pages designed to act as landing pages.

They have minimal top navigation. Or in some cases, they have none at all. Their intent is to get their visitors to take a very specific action – usually sign up for a free trial of a service.

How Much Copy to Write on Your Home Page?

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Protecting Your Wordpress Website from Hackers in 2015

Protecting Your WordPress Website from Hackers in 2015 will be a bit more complicated than adding a secure password to your login screen.  

We’ve seen it all.  Hackers, like tiny mice that search for small nooks and crannies in your website’s framework, use every trick in the book to bypass your protection parameters. In the last few days, there was a HUGE WordPress website hack that exploited an outdated plugin that compromised more than 100,000 websites!

Protecting Your Wordpress Website from Hackers in 2015

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The hottest piece of social content you need to post

In case you haven't noticed, there's a popular form of social media content that is an easy path to virality. Read on to discover what you should incorporate into your strategy. 

We've all seen it: DIY is an extremely hot tactic right now for engaging fans. Most of us have witnessed the majority of DIY with makeup, fashion, beauty, and home improvement brands. If you go on Pinterest you're sure to run into thousands of boards promoting several of these DIY projects. What is probably less thought about is how mainstream CPG brands can get in on this action. If you're promoting a soft drink or apple sauce, a DIY social media strategy may not seem to fit. You can however make it work.

The hottest piece of social content you need to post

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If you need help with your online marketing, we are offering a completely FREE online marketing strategy session!

Call Steven Hamilton on 0417 871 661, complete the form below to book your FREE strategy session or just send through your enquiry and let's make 2025 your biggest year yet.


"Thank you for our new website. The design and layout of our new website really reflects us as a business now and we are receiving more enquiries on a daily basis! A special thank you to Trent, who was very helpful with the transfer of old to new website and all the details involved"

Larissa Ozolins
The Lodge Fitness Centre

Steven Hamilton - Honeyweb

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Remember, online marketing is targeted, accountable and affordable.